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5 Jul 2008


How do I generate e-TDS / e-TCS Forms in Tally 9?

Procedure for generating e-TDS/e-TCS forms in Tally

To generate the above report, you need to have the "File Validation Utility" files. These files are available in the website of NSDL (National Securities Depository Limited) who has developed to verify whether the e-TDS return files prepared by the deductors / collectors conform to the prescribed format.
There are two separate files available for validating the e-TDS which can be downloaded from the site.
1. File Validation Utility for Quarterly Returns
2. File Validation Utility for Annual Returns
Note: The e-TDS/TCS FVU is a Java based utility.JRE (Java Run-time Environment),versions:
SUN JRE: or or or
should be installed on the computer where the e-TDS/TCS FVU is being installed. Java is freely
downloadable from : and or
you can ask your vendor providing computer facilities (hardware) to install the same for you.
1. File Validation Utility for Quarterly Returns:
Once you download the above file and execute the same, the following three files would be extracted, viz,
1. TDS FVU Readme.rtf:This file contains instructions for setup of the e-TDS FVU.
2. e-TDS FVU Setup.exe:This is a setup program for installation of FVU.
3. TDS_FVU_STANDALONE.jar:This is the FVU program file.
These files are required for installing the e-TDS/TCS FVU
Save the above three files in the Tally folder. Double click "TDS FVU Setup.exe" file > It will prompt with a message "Successfully created TDS_FVU.bat" and will create a batch file of the same name.
Steps to generate Quarterly e-TDS Returns:
1. Reconcile the TDS ledger(s). i.e., from Gateway of Tally go to Display > Statement of Accounts > TDS Outstandings > TDS Computations > Select a TDS ledger > Press Alt+F5 or Click on "F5 Challan Reconcile" button available on the right side.
2. Next, it will list the TDS payment voucher. Update the following fields for each payment made, i.e.,
Bank Challan No.
Challan Date.
Bank Name.
BSR Code.
3. Save the above updation. (Accept = Yes)
4. Next, Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > TDS Reports > ETDS Forms > Report Generation (Export Screen) will appear.
5. Enter the details for the following fields:
6. Format: SDF (Fixed Width)
Output File Name : Tally.txt
Personal Responsible details: Fill in the same
Other Details: For e.g. if you are exporting for a quarter i.e., Apr to Jun,
Mention the period from: 1-4-2007 To: 30-6-2007
Challan Date: 7-7-2007 (E.g.)
Form Name: 26Q [Other forms that can be exported are Form 26, 27 & 27Q]
Enter Place & Date (E.g. Bangalore, 7-7-2007]
Upload Type: Regular
Export = Yes
7. Go to Tally folder > Open NSDL Utility file (i.e.,) Run the batch file 'TDS_FVU.bat' > a pop-up window will appear [see picture below] > Under "Input File Name with Path" mention the exported file name with path (for e.g. D:\Tally\tally.txt). Under “Error/Upload & Statistics Report File Path” mention the path of tally folder (e.g. D:\Tally\)

8. Next highlight on "Validate" button and Click the same or press Enter. > If the information fed by you is correct > You will get a 'success' message (as per the picture below), and a file named 'Tally.html' will be generated in Tally folder. Open this file to view the e-TDS form.
9. If the information fed by you is not correct, you will get an error message stating the reason for failure (see, an e.g. error message picture below), and a file named 'Tallyerr.html' will be generated in tally folder. Open this file to view the details of error message and rectify accordingly.
Please note that the following fields are mandatory (with valid data):
1. Company TAN No.
IT No.
Address (without special characters)
Telephone No.
E-mail ID
2. Party’s IT No.
Address (without special characters)
3. Person Responsible details in Export Configuration.
4. Challan Reconciliation with valid data in all columns (eg. If Cheque no. is 000012, then it has to be entered as same and not just 12)
5. Selection of proper Date range and Challan Till in the Export Configuration. Winjit technologies is an authorized service centre of Tally. We provide various services on Customization in Tally 7.2, 9.0.Please email

For all your customisations, Tally Customisations. Support Inquries, Call US


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